The H2020 project aqua3S has officially started its activities. On the 25th and 26th of September 2019, the kick-off meeting of the project was held at the Centre of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) premises in Thessaloniki, Greece.
aqua3S is a new project that will create strategies and methods, enabling a water facilities to easily integrate solutions regarding water safety. aqua3S combines novel technologies in water safety and security, aiming to standardise existing sensor technologies complemented by state-of-the-art detection mechanisms.
aqua3S coordinator is the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of CERTH and more specifically the Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Laboratory (MKLab). The aqua3S consortium consists of 23 partners from 10 European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany and United Kingdom). The consortium includes 4 water-related first responders organizations (LHA2, RCM, SVK, WBL), 1 water authority (AAWA), 5 water utility operators (AcegasApsAmga S.p.A., EYATH, SOFYISKA, SUEZ Smart solutions, Vivaqua), 1 public security agency (BDI), 6 academic/research institutes (CERTH, CENTRIC, FZU, ICCS/NTUA, UNEXE, USTUTT), 4 technical SMEs (Everis, mirSense, DRAXIS, EGM), 1 SME working on ethical and legal issues (Trilateral) and Water Europe to support all the dissemination actions. Representatives from all partners were present at the kick-off meeting, empowering the project with their own particular skills and expertise. Each partner will have a critical role to play in the development of aqua3S the next three years.