Call for Papers- European Waste Water Management Conference 2016


Optimized-_agb4406-Jeff-Kalmes-speaking-2The 2016 call for papers for the European Waste Water Management Conference is now open. Aqua Enviro is inviting Abstracts from potential speakers who wish to present at this leading industry conference. The event is attended by over 200 professionals from the water industry and is recognised both for the quality of the individual presentations and the debates that follow these presentations.

The theme of the EWWMC is to provide delegates with information on: the latest treatment technologies; legislator changes impacting on the water industry; more efficient and effective design approaches; instrumentation and process control; modelling techniques and odour control.

Aqua Enviro welcomes case studies of successful approaches that recognize and deliver the key industry drivers of:

  • consent compliance;
  • energy saving and recovery;
  • recovery of other resources;
  • technologies for removing P and priority chemicals, and
  • cost-savings across the whole treatment plant

If you are interested in contributing to the conference programme, please submit a 150 word abstract that includes:

  • The title of the paper
  • A summary of the contribution
  • The key theme
  • Authors names and contacts details for the corresponding author

Please email your abstract to by Friday 1st April 2016.

For more information about the event, please visit the conference΄s website.

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