Circular economy – New EU action plan open for feedback 


Until the 20th of January 2020, the European Commission will receive feedback from citizens and stakeholders about the new Circular Economy Action Plan. Aiming to accelerate the European transition towards a circular economy, the action plan is a response to the commitments of the European Green Deal.

The goal of the new action plan is to strengthen the EU industry, help fight climate change and preserve the European natural environment.

By analysing the life-cycle of products and materials, the new action plan aims at ensuring that resources are used sustainably. It will also address more resource-intensive sectors, such as the textile, construction, electronics, and plastics industries.

Moving away from a linear economy will help decrease harmful impacts on the environment, such as climate change and loss of biodiversity.

You can read more about the new Circular Economy Action Plan as well as give your feedback until the 20th of January.


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