EASME side event “Building a water-smart economy and society” 18 November – 2020


The EASME side event “Building a water-smart economy and society” took place today on the 18th of November, 2020 with the purpose to raise awareness about EU funded innovation projects and clustering initiatives showcasing water circular solutions, innovative decision support and governance systems.

Andrea Rubini, Water Europe Director of Operations was amongst the panellists of the first part of the event, dedicated to policy initiatives. He contributed to the discussion, presenting the Water Europe vision, the latest policy developments and the Water Europe’s new policy papers addressing key policy initiatives.

Representatives from five new large-scale demonstration projects, financed through the Horizon 2020 Call for proposals Building a water-smart economy and society, were also there to present their projects and planned activities:

-ULTIMATE – indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATer society
-B-WaterSmart – Accelerating Water Smartness in Coastal Europe
-WIDER UPTAKE – Achieving wider uptake of water-smart solutions
-WATER-MINING – Next generation water-smart management systems: large scale demonstrations for a circular economy and society
-REWAISE- REsilient WAter Innovation for Smart Economy

Water Europe is glad to be participating in three out of these very promising projects: ULTIMATE, B-WaterSmart and Water Mining.

Bringing together policy makers, innovators and EU funded projects’ representatives, the event offered meaningful opportunities for participants to discuss and exchange on concrete steps for fostering the uptake of innovative solutions toward circular economy in the water sector.


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