On Friday 24th of January, WssTP and ERRIN had the pleasure of welcoming more than 200 participants at the Infoday, organised to shed lights on the public opportunities for SMEs active in the Water Sector and EcoInnovation. The event was also co-organised through the FinnoWater Action Group of the EIP on Water.
A range of speakers and experts from the European Investment Bank, European Commission, Eurostars, ACQUEAU, COSME, Business Angels and Crowdfunding were present to demonstrate opportunities for SMEs of more than 11,3 Billion Euros.
The event was a great opportunitiy for all SMEs and Project Managers to understand how to make use of available funding instruments and develop partnerships.
WssTP and ERRIN would like thank the Embassy of Netherlands in Belgium that kindly hosted our Infoday and the other sponsors that made the event possible.
WssTP will continue to explore public and private funding opportunities for the water sector in the interest of its members.
For any further enquries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by mail.
Programme | Download Programme |
Participants List | Download List |
Presentations | Download Presentations |
New Year Water Cocktail | Download Speech |
Pictures | See Gallery |