The European Commission will allocate over €110 million to LIFE programme Integrated Projects. Check out the 11 new large-scale LIFE projects, where they come from, and learn more about their role in our new related infographic.
This EU funding will help 11 major environmental and climate projects in 11 EU countries reach their ambitious targets. The new projects will take place in Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and Finland. They are expected to channel more than €10 billion of complementary funds, greatly multiplying the resources available to make a real difference on the ground.
The projects contribute to the green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and support the European Green Deal’s objective of making the EU the first climate-neutral continent by 2030. They also add to key European Green Deal components, including the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.
Find out more in the official press release.