Dear Water Europe friends,
As 2024 draws to a close, it is time to reflect on a transformative year in our journey towards a Water-Smart Society. This year marked a significant turning point, a hinge year, where key political, organizational, and strategic elements were set in motion, shaping our path towards the realization of our vision.
From a political standpoint, we saw two important milestones become a reality. The appointment of Jessica Roswall as Water Commissioner was the first, placing water as a top priority on the European agenda. The second was the decision to develop a Water Resilience Strategy, a critical step that now requires further progress to ensure its success.
What we still need to welcome is the Water Transition Fund, which will remain our focus for 2025. This will be our next step in ensuring that the resources and support needed are there. The framework for a Water-Smart Society is now clearer than ever. Politically, the groundwork has been laid.
Internally, 2024 also marked a turning point for Water Europe. We successfully launched 15 Expert Groups during our Water Knowledge Europe 2024 event that took place last week, attracting 222 participants over three days. Looking ahead to the new year, the Communities of Practice (CoPs) will also take shape, further strengthening our new Collaboration Matrix.
Another milestone we reached this year was the publication of our PFAS Position Paper. PFAS remains a sensitive issue for society, and we are proud of the mature, balanced, and responsible stance we have taken. The positive reactions we received from the community strengthen our position and reaffirm our role as the voice of water technology and innovation in Europe.
With these achievements in mind, and encouraged by this progress, we are ready to step confidently into 2025. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our developments this year, and we are ready to take the next step together towards a water- resilient, sustainable and secure Europe.
Wishing you all a joyful Christmas period and a happy new year, and looking forward to working with you in 2025!
Warm wishes,