The book is the second in a series from the JRC’s Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (the DRMKC). The new book explores how to protect lives, livelihoods, the environment and our rich cultural heritage from future disasters. To do that, it analyses the lessons learned from past disasters for more risk-aware policies, improved practice and further research.
The DRMKC will be at the core of the science pillar of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network. The Knowledge Network brings together civil protection and disaster management experts and organisations to increase knowledge and its dissemination within the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, and support the Union’s ability and capacity to deal with disasters.
With input from over 300 experts, the book highlights the important role of science in preparing Europe to face the challenges that lie over the horizon.
Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “As disasters defy borders the EU supports national action and promotes cross-border cooperation on disaster risk management – with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism being at the heart of this work. Using all data, science and lessons learnt available is vital to strengthen the collective safety and resilience against disasters in the EU and beyond”.
The aftermath of disasters can be learning opportunities, both in recovering quickly and dealing with the underlying drivers of disaster risk to avoid or mitigate similar events. This new book provides several examples and recommendations on how to grasp these opportunities to build a more resilient future. For more info please click here.