IC4WATER webinar on private sector finance for water research & innovation


16 September, 10 am – 12h30 pm (CET). For detailed programme and registration click here.

The huge challenges we face in the water sector on a global scale will require new innovative ways of financing and organizing research and innovation.

In this Webinar we discuss different best practices and financial models geared to the water sector and in particular the role of the private sector in this. Your input is much appreciated in order to  develop future water policies.


Speakers from research institutes, industry, Research & Innovation promotion agencies and international financial institutions will give their view on:

  1. Best practices on financing research and innovation.
  2. The role of  industry and water companies promoting innovative solutions.
  3. The role of financial institutions on promoting innovative solutions.

Why should you attend?

Participants will have a better understanding of this topic in order to be more successful in design and implementation of new funding programmes in collaboration with private sector parties.

Who should attend

  1. Public and Private (research) Funding organisations
  2. Research organisations and Industry (in particular the ones that have experience in collaboration outside Europe)
  3. Policy makers

Registration and programme

There is a limited number of digital places available so please make your registration accordingly.

For detailed programme and registration click here.

Contact and information

For more information, please contact Bjørn Jensen or the IC4Water secretariat 


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