In the context of the ENOLL Digital Living Labs Days, Water Europe is hosting a dedicated session on the Water-Oriented Living Labs(WoLLs) and the WoLLs Network that aim at supporting and enhancing the development of WOLLs in EU and beyond. The session will address the role of WE WoLLs in enabling the twin effort for a European Green Deal and the Europe Fit for the Digital Age and will also try to identify a model which can be applied to similar initiatives for scale-up ambition and replication.
In co-creation with the audience, we will develop the main challenges and drivers of the sustainability of (Wo)LLs, on how (Wo)LLs can contribute to the achievements of the EU Green Deal for a resilient society, and the planned actions to foster the development of (Wo)LLs and meet the EU Green Deal prospects.
The session will be moderated by Andrea Rubini, Water Europe Director of Operations with the participation of Jens Prisum from Call Copenhagen and Prof Chrysi Laspidou from the University of Thessaly, respectively Leader and Co-Leader of Water Europe Smart Cities Vision Leadership Team.
The event will be online and access to the session is possible via this link with the payment of a nominal fee through this code SUCTDLLD2020.
For more information please contact Andrea Rubini.