Join us at LIFE ZELDA Open Day on 21st of June!


ZELDA logoThe LIFE Zelda project is holding its first Open Day back to back to Water Innovation Europe 2016 conference and invites you to join us on 21st of June from 10am to 12h30pm at the Diamant Centre in Brussels.

After 3 years of intensive work, it’s time for ZELDA Project to open its gates and share updates about its activities and progress.  This Open day will be an opportunity for stakeholders from all the aspects of the European water sector to get informed about the project’s outcomes and the beneficial impact of its innovative technology on the society and the environment. Participants are welcome to give their input and share their views on the project’s next steps. ZELDA Open Day will be hosted in the context of WssTP annual stakeholder conference, happening from the 21st to 23rd of June in Brussels.

 Learn, engage and join us! Look forward to welcoming you there!

To register, please click here. To learn more about ZELDA project, please visit the project’s website.

For more information about the Open Day, please contact Maria Mirachtsi.




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