Microsoft joins the European Green Digital Coalition


26 CEOs of companies have signed a Declaration to support the Green and Digital Transformation of the EU. Microsoft has come together with over 20 of the world’s leading digital companies to form a European Green Digital Coalition to sign a declaration to support the green and digital transformation of the EU, launched at Digital Day 2021.

“The commitment taken today by member states and companies sends a strong political message that Europe can be a leader in greening the ICT sector and developing green digital solutions. I think if we want to reach this objective we need all actors to work together and I’m thrilled to see the launch of the European Green Digital Coalition today, a project that the European Parliament strongly supports.” –  said Valerie Hayer, Member of the European Parliament.

This coalition marks an important step in public-private cooperation toward ensuring profound, long-lasting change. It will indeed accelerate Europe’s transition to a green economy. Its commitments are bold and clear:

✅ Investing in the development and deployment of green digital solutions.
✅ Working with organizations to help effectively measure the environmental impact of green digital solutions.
✅ Promoting the sharing of key learnings and best practices across sectors.

The announcement sends out a clear signal of intent from the private sector to step-up in the fight against climate change, reflecting the EU’s dedication to our shared environmental goals.

The European Green Digital Coalition will help not only the tech sector to become more sustainable, circular and a zero polluter, but also to support sustainability goals of other priority sectors such as energy, transport, agriculture, and construction while contributing to an innovative, inclusive and resilient society. Its members will work closely with the European Commission and others to deliver on their commitments and will report regularly on progress made. In 2022, the first available results and progress reports will be presented. 45 SMEs and startups support the European Green Digital Coalition and many will take the sustainability commitments to join in the near future.


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