New college for WssTP Members: Public Authorities Launching Event, 5 March 2019


In 2017, WssTP was recognised as official associated partner of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and energy. As one of the world’s biggest urban climate and energy initiative, the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy brings together thousands of local and regional authorities voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and energy objectives on their territory.

WssTP’s partnership with the Covenant of Mayors was a first important step for our platform to build bridges between our work and the cities, the water-related challenges they face and the solutions that are in need of. Involving stakeholders in the governance process is a factor of paramount
importance, as it is, also, indicated in the new WssTP vision 2030 which highlights multi-stakeholder governance as a critical component to achieve the transition to a water-smart society.

Regions and municipalities are, both physically and socially, the closest institutions to the citizen. They provide a direct link to the citizens, who together with the public sector, industry and academia constitute the Quadruple Helix. Local authorities are, thanks, in no small part, to their proximity to the citizen, key players in both water management and the enhancement of the circular economy. Many supranational entities, including the EU, UN, and the OECD publicly recognize that the municipality represents the principal tool of implementation for supranational strategies.

Therefore, municipal and regional administrations, no matter their nationality, need to explain, discuss and, indeed, involve their own citizens in issues that affect water management and the implementation of water-based legislation.

As the voice and promotor of water-related RTD and innovation in Europe, WssTP has decided to develop a new college this summer to involve public authorities who demonstrate an interest in the water sector.

WssTP demonstrates its ambition to create a full, open and transparent dialogue between all stakeholders. The launching event will take place in Brussels on the 5th of March 2019.

Municipalities, cities, regions and association of municipalities interested in this workshop, they are invited to contact Loic Charpentier, for more information on the upcoming event.




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