The Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office) published a new report titled ‘Nature-based Solutions Improving Water Quality & Waterbody Conditions’. The report aims to provide an overview of results from EU-funded NBS projects and how they support policy implementation in relation to water quality and waterbody conditions.
The initiative to analyse the impacts of EU-funded projects in the area of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and valorise their results in terms of EU added value and policy relevance was initiated in December 2019. Six policy reports and a final consolidated report were produced and can be found here.
The document summarises outcomes relating to water quality and waterbody conditions from the report ‘Nature-based Solutions: State of the Art in EU-funded Projects’ (Wild et al. (Eds.) 2020) prepared through the EC’s Valorisation of NBS Projects Initiative.
EU research and innovation projects were scanned for results about key areas such as Water Framework Directive implementation, cross-compliance with the Common Agricultural Policy, catchment management, diffuse pollution and waterbodies. Evidence from the reviewed projects (and the EC’s NBS policy topic area) is framed within knowledge from the literature in the realm of water policy, to give as full a picture as possible about the state of the art with relevant NBS.
The resulting evidence base includes figures and monetary values showing the relative cost-effectiveness of NBS, and exploring how they support water policy implementation. Policy recommendations and knowledge gaps are also highlighted to support the strengthening of strategies and practical action for the uptake of NBS, to deliver targeted and efficient interventions to help solve societal challenges in Europe and beyond.
Click here to have access to the full report.