In the context of the proposal for a Regulation for Microplastics pollution – measures to reduce its impact on the environment, Water Europe responded to the public consultation and has published a policy-oriented paper that you can find here. Water Europe welcomes the initiative as it will contribute to achieving a Water Smart Society in Europe. The water sector plays an important role to treat this pollution but it remains key to tackling microplastic pollution at the source. The main recommendations brought forward in order to achieve a Water-Smart Society are:
- A clear European-wide definition of microplastics to provide a precise framework for fighting microplastics pollution
- Consolidate transparent and science-based data of the whole life cycle of microplastics as we can only tackle pollution with the right technologies and by sharing knowledge and know-how
- A new life cycle approach for plastics that leaves no one behind; that means avoiding microplastics pollution at the source, changing consumption patterns and rethinking the (re-)use of microplastics and their releases, in a context affordable for everyone
You can read the full position paper here. For more information, please contact Loic Charpentier.