New White Paper Now published by the WE Vision Leadership Team: Grey-Green Infra


The new White Paper on hybrid (grey-green) water infrastructure, is now published under the title ‘Opportunities for Hybrid Grey-Green Infrastructure in Water Management: Challenges & Ways Forward’. The new paper aims at bridging the knowledge gap on green water infrastructure.

The document is the product of a joint effort by the Water Europe’s Vision Leadership Team Grey-Green Infrastructure and the Working Groups on NBS, Ecosystem Services and Water Distribution Infrastructure. The WE White Papers are produced as part of the WE Collaboration Programme by the WE Vision Leadership Teams and the WE Working Groups.

They target a wide variety of potential audiences, including the EU institutions, international organisations, the water industry, water users and water-related strategic stakeholders, the economic sectors, as well as media, analysts, regulatory and governing bodies, citizens and society at large.

For more information, please contact Andrea Rubini.


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