Registration is now open for Water Knowledge Europe 2021 Spring Edition


Registration is officially open for the Water Knowledge Europe 2021 Spring Edition coming up with a new and exciting format to offer you a different and unforgettable experience. This edition will not only include classic features from Water Knowledge Europe but also 2 well-known modules: Water Market Europe and Water Projects Europe (3rd edition). 

Water Knowledge Europe 2021 – will be presenting the new Calls for Proposals of the Horizon Europe (HEU) R&I FP & Project Ideas Presentations happening on March 23.

– Water Market Europe 2021 – will be offering presentations of market scenarios, challenges and solutions from Technology Providers to foster the market outreach of innovations for a Water-Smart Europe, under the hot topic of Digital Water & Cyber-security & MarketPlace, on March 24. 

Water Projects Europe 2021 3rd edition – will be shaped as a workshop dedicated to the Water in the Circular Economy Policy development to foster collaboration between R&I projects working on specific topics, on March 26.

Water Europe will also host a series of free webinars that will offer you the chance to explore the openings offered by the new potential water-related calls for proposals of Horizon Europe Work Programmes 2021-2022. Whoever registers and attends the webinars will get a 15% fee discount for the rest of the events in the Spring edition. See the full announcement to know more about the event and book your place now



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