The European Commission approved the renewed package of six Executive Agencies for 2021-2027


The European Commission with the Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/173 of 12 February 2021 has established six executive agencies that will assist in the implementation of the European Union programmes in the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF), among others the European FP for R&I Horizon Europe, and in addition support the running Horizon 2020 projects.

The Commission has decided to adapt the existing executive agencies and to create the new European Health and Digital Executive Agency for the new generation of EU programs The portfolio of some agencies has been substantially adjusted, such as in the case of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (formerly INEA) in line with the achievement of the goals of the EU Green Deal.

The following five agencies are established from 1 April 2021 until 31 December 2028:

1. European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, (CINEA, former INEA): will follow up HEU pillar II cluster 5 (Climate, energy and mobility) and the LIFE program.
2. European Research Executive Agency (EREA, former REA): will follow up on the Horizon Europe pillar I Marie Curie Actions and research infrastructures, pillar II cluster 2 (culture, creativity and inclusive society), cluster 3 (Civil security for society), and cluster 6 (Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment), and the horizontal programmes (Reforming and enhancing the European R&I system and Spreading excellence and widening participation).
3. European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (former EASME): will follow-up on the Horizon Europe pillar III European Innovation Council (EIC) and European Innovation Ecosystems
4. European Education and Culture Executive Agency (former EACEA): will follow up Creative Europe and Erasmus
5. European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA): will follow-up on the Horizon Europe pillar I European Research Council (ERC).

The new (sixth) European Health and Digital Executive Agency is established from 16 February 2021 until 31 December 2028. It will follow up, among others, the HEU pillar II cluster 1 (health) and cluster 4 (Digital, industry and space research), the EU4Health programme, the Digital Europe Programme, and the Connecting Europe Facility. DG SANTE is the lead parent DG of this new2 agency together with DG CNECT, DEFIS, GROW and RTD of this new agency. The total budget managed by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency will amount to over €20 billion over the 7 years period of the 2021-2027 MFF.

The Innovation and Network Executive Agency (INEA) will continue as CINEA: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency from April 1, 2021. CINEA will focus on creating new synergies for a sustainable, green and carbon-free Europe. In addition, CINEA will be involved in Horizon Europe’s climate, energy and mobility cluster and the LIFE program. CINEA will also continue to manage the implementation of the Innovation Fund, an important tool for achieving climate neutrality in Europe by 2050.

The portfolio of the European Research Executive Agency (formerly REA) is expanding with, among other things, the research program Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). The European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (formerly EASME) will also be given new themes and will be responsible for the European Innovation Council (EIC) and supporting SMEs. The portfolios of the European Education (and Culture) Executive Agency (EACEA) and the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) are not changing.

The Executive Agency for Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food (CHAFEA) will be closed. Find below a quick overview of the renewed package of the six EC Executive Agencies:

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The Executive Agencies, which are all based in Brussels, have a budget of about 123 billion to spend during this programming period. That is an increase of 60% compared to the previous period. Executive agencies are established for the duration of the funding program and are mainly concerned with implementing policies. The Agencies will also provide feedback to the Commission on the programs, support applicants for grants and create visibility for the programs.


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