With its first call for proposals expected to be launched by the end of the year, the Cross Border Cooperation programme in the Mediterranean Basin (CBCMed) has launched an online tool to help share project ideas and find partners.
The aim of this tool is to build a Mediterranean community in order to facilitate setting up Euro-Mediterranean partnerships and developing quality projects.
The first call for proposals of the ENI CBC Med Programme will address standard projects and be open to the 4 thematic objectives and 11 priorities of the Programme. Allocated budget is €84.6 million.
The ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 is a multilateral cross-border cooperation programme funded by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood Instrument. It aims at reinforcing cooperation between the EU and partner countries’ regions located along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. (EU Neighbourhood Info).
For more information, please visit CBC MED’s website