TransformAr project officially kicked off on the 14 and 15 of October 2021. Bringing together 22 partners from 11 different countries, the TransformAr project, funded by the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation programme, aims to develop and demonstrate pathways, products and services to launch and accelerate large-scale and disruptive adaptive processes for transformational adaptation in vulnerable regions and communities across Europe.
All the six lighthouse demonstrators of TransformAr face challenges related to water risks and climate change impacts. Massive resilience increase and acceleration of transformational adaptation will be fostered by clustering various investors, testing bankable solutions, and defining viable commercial exploitation strategies for the TransformAr solutions.
During its hybrid kick-off meeting, the TransformAr project consortium, led by the University of Antwerp, was happy to meet and discuss activities to be carried out throughout the upcoming four years. To follow the project’s developments, please check its social media channels : Twitter and LinkedIn.