After their successful online meetings held on the 19th of March, the Water Europe Working Groups (WG) continue their activities towards preparing their 2020 annual work plans and corresponding activities. Some updates follow below:
WG Water Beyond Europe
Working Group Water Beyond Europe has been focusing on the organization of the fourth Water Europe flagship event entirely dedicated to International Cooperation: the “International Water Dialogue” conference. Unfortunately, the event, which was designed very carefully and in close cooperation with the Water Europe Board, had to be cancelled due to the current COVID-19 crisis.
However, the in-depth process of identification of both the programme and the participants has produced very important results:
1) Consolidating further the close cooperation between the Working Group activities with the ones of UNESCO, especially in support of the EC International Cooperation agenda on Water
2) A thorough inventory of very important water-related activities in support of international cooperation which the WG intends to involve once the International Water Dialogue Event will take place.
WG Human Capital
During the first months of 2020, the WG Human Capital has been busy with online meetings, working together on the publication of a new position paper ‘Towards a water-related human capital agenda for the Green Deal‘.
In the next phase of the Working Group, they will continue raising awareness to the human factor at a policy level, but also at a practical level during workshops at conferences (online and offline).
Also set for the next months, the WG aims to work on an Employer Branding guide, including a workshop for HR personnel. It also wants to look into the human capital needs of Water Europe members and set up a training curriculum. The WG also plans to open up all good practices and activities already being developed in a platform available for all Water Europe members.