Water-Oriented Living Labs

Water-Oriented Living Labs (WOLLs) are innovation ecosystems that co-create sustainable water solutions through stakeholder collaboration in real-life settings. Supported by the Water4All Partnership’s Pillar D, WOLLs drive the development and demonstration of water-smart solutions to enhance water security across Europe. This page is continuously updated in real time with the latest WOLLs, while the official document can be accessed here: Atlas of WOLLs 2024.

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AG-WaMED Val d’Orcia Living Lab
Tagliamento Living Lab
City of Mechelen
Herk and Mombeek Living Lab
Port of Antwerp – Bruges
Water Climate Hub
Water Valley Denmark
Freshwater Competence Centre
Water Management Innovation 
Canale Reale River Contract
WIrri – Wise irrigation
National Water Table EWA
Lisbon Water Smart Living Lab
South African Sanitation Technology Enterprise Programme (SASTEP)

Apply for your own WOLL

Are you interested in setting up your own Water-Oriented Living Lab (WOLL) or have innovative ideas to share? We’d love to hear from you—reach out and let’s explore your plans together.