WE Working Groups Updates


WE Working Groups have set up their meetings for the much anticipated Water Knowledge Europe 2019 event.

On the 31st of October, the Working Groups will convene to present the latest advances of their WGs, their current activities and their annual work plan for 2020, in parallel with their preparations for the H2020 calls. As every year, the meetings will be divided into morning and afternoon parallel sessions for participants who want to attend different WG meetings.

In the afternoon, a joint meeting of the three Working Groups ‘Contaminants of Emerging Concerns’, ‘Bathing Waters’ and ‘Urban Water Pollution’ has been organised with the aim to put together efforts and resources on common water challenges and produce a work plan for the development of a white paper on water pollution.

FYI, Water Knowledge Europe 2019 standard fee will end on the 28h of October! If you wish to attend the event & join the Working Groups, please register HERE asap.

The detailed schedule of the Working Groups meetings follows below:


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