We’re glad to announce that this year’s WssTP Brokerage and WG event was held, as planned, on 23rd and 24th of November 2015 at the Diamant Conference Centre. Thanks to our interesting speakers and active participants, who honoured us with their presence besides Brussel’s terror alert, WssTP annual
Brokerage and WG event concluded with success, once again.
Day 1
The first day of the event featured an excellent line-up of speakers from the European Commission and other leading water organisations who gave a thorough analysis of the opportunities for water in the Horizon 2020 WP2016-2017. WssTP also presented its overview of the 92 calls with potential link to water.
Participants had the opportunity to present their project ideas at the second session of the event and proceed to more in-depth and interactive discussions with other interested participants at the matchmaking session that followed.
Representatives from ongoing projects also presented why they believe their proposal has been successful, sharing tips and ideas with the audience. The first day ended with a networking dinner, where all participants met and exchanged ideas on the topics presented during the event.
Day 2
The second day of the event, WssTP Working Groups were in the limelight, presenting their latest advances, current activities and future plans, as nurseries for project ideas. To learn more about the topics of WssTP Working Groups and how you can join them, please follow the links below!
[message_box title=”Working Groups Session Downloads” color=”blue”]
Working Group Lead Person
Financing for EU Competitiveness Arturo BUENAVENTURA
Water-Energy-Food biodiversity nexus Michiel BLIND
Water Cooperation Beyond Europe Gaetano CASALE
Water in industry Albert JANSEN
Resource Recovery Martijn BIJMANS
Advanced Membrane Technologies Gilbert RIOS
Emerging Compounds Leonard OSTE
Urban Water Pollution Adriana HULSMANN
Water and Agrifood Jochen FROEBRICH
Eco-systems Services Lena GOLDKUHL
Green Infrastructures Victor BEUMER
Managing HydroClimatic Extremes Alan JENKINS
Renewable Energy Desalination Guillermo Zaragoza
Nano4Water Inge Genne
Presentations – please contact us by mail