Sixteen Working Groups meetings took place during the Innovative Water Week week of Water Innovation Europe 2020. Leaders and co-leaders gathered with their WG members to discuss their annual plans, upcoming activities and the development of white papers. Read some of their highlights below:
WG Resource Recovery: The Working Group Resource Recovery kicked off the work on a white paper dealing with End of Waste. Among the participants of the meeting were also present Mattia Pellegrini and Carmen Mena Abela from the European Commission.
WG Water & ΙCT: The WG discussed around actions concerning the definition of an ICT reference architecture supporting the uptake of disruptive technologies like AI in the water sector. Data Sharing is recognised as the main enabler and a key challenge to overcome.
WG Urban Water Pollution: During the WG meeting, an update was given on two initiatives for sampling and monitoring SARS-CoV-2 RNA fragments in wastewater: The NORMAN-Score project and the JRC feasibility assessment.
WG Water Security: The agenda included an overview of progress and current update on the White Paper on Water Security. The overarching aim of this White Paper on Water Security is to provide an overview of the current state-of-knowledge on the concept of Water Security and assessing existing methodologies for creating action perspectives.