Water Innovation Europe 2020 Day 2: A Water-Smart Industry for a Green Deal


The second day of Water Innovation Europe 2020 continued with the session ‘A Water-Smart Industry for a Green Deal’. The session was moderated by Veronica Manfredi – Director Quality of Life, Directorate General ENV, European Commission.

Read below the key points from the session: 

  We are at a stage where the industrial sector is reconsidering its priorities. In the past, water efficiency wasn’t among them but the challenges of water scarcity and the others we face make it necessary to become water efficient. We have now arrived at this point of maturity as a sector.

  It’s been hundreds of years that we have been taking water for granted. Now we have an abundance of technologies, so what we also need is to share the best available knowledge. With training and education, we can reach much further from what we think it’s possible.

  Legislation can accelerate necessary changes for better water management.

  Industries need to be open and transparent to make people understand how water affects us all. The local outreach is an extremely important point to raising awareness, increasing the degree of social conscience and driving the transition to water reuse and efficiency in Europe.

  With education, we can reduce water usage, thanks to no other tools but awareness, monitoring and control. Even if you have the technology but you don’t have the will and the available knowledge, you cannot move forward.

  During the COVID19 crisis, the digital tools helped industries to maintain their operations. We need to get engaged in a double transition, towards sustainability and digitilisation.

We continue tomorrow for the third day of the innovative water week. Get ready by watching the dedicated video of Session 3: A Water-Smart Society to provide healthy food for EU citizens.


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