Water-Oriented Living Labs under the spotlight


September was our Water-Oriented Living Labs month. Water Europe participated in the IWA Water Conference 2022 in Copenhagen and the ENoLL Open Living Lab Days 2022 in Turin, organising two workshops to discuss the pivotal role of Water Oriented Living Labs (WOLLs) in supporting the Green and Digital Transition of Europe.

During the IWA Water Conference, Durk Krol also gave a speech during the EasyMining/ RagnSells business session on closing the nutrient cycle, including references to our Water Europe NextGen, Ultimate, WATER-MINING and B-WaterSmart projects.

 width=During the two WOLLs workshops, Water Europe highlighted the WOLLs as a game changer for realising new water governance models, operating and scaling-up innovations, and exploiting the potential of digital tools, such as the Digital Twins.  The Horizon 2020 projects REWAISE, ULTIMATE, WATER-MINING, B-Watersmart, and Wider Uptake which aim at creating alliances between the actors of the WOLLs – academia, citizens, business and public institutions – to build a Water-Smart Society, were also presented. The Horizon Europe Partnership Water4all was also given the floor and contributed to both workshops. Water Europe leads the Pillar D of Water4All that intends to demonstrate and scale-up innovations through the engagement with and the creation of Water-Oriented Living Labs in the EU and beyond.

Curious to find out more about the WE WOLLs? Read our new WOLLs publications here.


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