Our new event is here to foster collaboration between several R&I projects, bring the project’s outcomes to the market and enable the projects to actively contribute to policy developments. This morning, we had the pleasure to have five EU funded projects with us. From REWATCH to NEXTGEN & ULTIMATE to ZERO BRINE Consortium and Industrial Water 4.0 Project, every project presented their goals & objectives and demonstrated their future contributions to the EU Green Deal & more.
Evdokia Achilleos from EASME provided specific tips & insights on how the Research & Innovation projects can contribute to the EU policies and make an impact through clustering activities, engagement with policy actors and development of timely and relevant policy outputs.
In the last part of the discussion, Andrea Rubini summed up all the contributions presented & gave the floor to all panelists to talk about the challenges ahead but also the best ways to overcome them. Stay tuned for more info.