World Water Day 2020: Water and Climate Change


This World Water Day 2020 is about Water and Climate Change. Floods, droughts, water crises are no longer catastrophic scenarios but a reality we are all faced with.

We cannot afford to experience all the effects of climate change to realise the value of water for our society and economy. One only needs to consider the increased cost that falls on our societies’ shoulders to cope with the effects of climate change, to understand how tangible and impactful the value of water can be.

Using water more efficiently will reduce the greenhouse gases, will help to make Europe climate neutral, will contribute to the EU Green deal. We need science and research to develop innovative solutions and technologies, to increase water efficiency and to make our cities resilient against climate change events.

Today is a day to celebrate water. It’s a day to raise awareness about the urgency to act. It’s a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future. At Water Europe, every day is such an occasion. Every day, we are working with more and more of you. Every day, we are paving the way for the Water-Smart Society. For us, every day is a World Water Day.

What our Water Europe ambassadors say about the WWD2020

  Working Group Water & Climate:
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The Water and Climate Working Group in Water Europe actively provides a broad platform for collaboration and application of science to develop  innovative solutions and technologies and raise awareness in society to increase sustainability and resilience. This is especially important as climate change is affecting our society, economy and environment in many ways. Extreme events, such as droughts and floods, and changes in the  water cycle are increasing in many parts of the world. Changes making it more difficult to cope with local situations and plan ahead.” – Working Group Water & Climate

  Water Europe Vision Leadership Team ‘Hybrid Grey & Green Infrastructure’
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Coupling advanced water technology with the power of nature-based solutions and with control technology to make hybrid water infrastructure solutions will allow us to minimize the environmental footprint of urbanization while maximizing the quality of our urban environment;  Public, ecologic and economic health will benefit from this green deal. The WE Vision Leadership Team promotes this development by bringing people together and triggering discussions on the opportunities, challenges, research needs and to nudging options for the Commission and for others to strengthen the leading position of European players in the market for hybrid green+grey+smart solutions for water supply, sanitation, drainage and water management in the urban environment.Water Europe Vision Leadership Team ‘ Hybrid Grey & Green Infra’


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